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Eugene F Cerulo

World War II · US Army · Corporal

Rank: Corporal
United States of America
Eugene F Cerulo Army Photo.jpgAdded by: bcerulo27Eugene F Cerulo Army Photo.jpg
Eugene F Cerulo with buddies Mannheim.jpgAdded by: bcerulo27Eugene Cerulo Mannheim, Germany - Back row l to r: Dotsun, R.Davis, Sgt.Ficarro, J.Davis, Loftus & GI Joe (Gene Cerulo) Front row: Loveday, Guigow
Eugene F Cerulo (front left) with army buddies.jpgAdded by: bcerulo27Front row l to r: Eugene Cerulo, Jack Coombes Back row l to r: Ernie Haynes, Fred Bishop, Dale Bintz