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Charles C Royce

World War II · US Army

United States of America
Thumbnail for 7thAF.30thBG.392ndBS.patches.pngAdded by: dwgarvey27thAF.30thBG.392ndBS.patches.png
Thumbnail for Map.392nd.BS.Pacific.pngAdded by: dwgarvey2Map.392nd.BS.Pacific.png
Thumbnail for 7th AAF 30th B.G. 392 B.S. "Deadeye II" on bombing run from Saipan to Iwo Jima 1944-45 copy.jpgAdded by: jun3927th AAF 30th B.G. 392 B.S. "Deadeye II" on bombing run from Saipan to Iwo Jima 1944-45 copy.jpg
Thumbnail for Flight.Crew.Lt.Randall.and.Battlin.Hornet.jpgAdded by: dwgarvey2Back (L to R): Nunn (Navigator), Royce (Co-Pilot), Hines (Operations Officer), Randall (Pilot), Galasso (Bombardier), Altum (Tail Gunner), Norris (Engineer / Top Turret Gunner); Front: Totten (Radio Operator), Spencer (Gunner), Thompson (Gunner)
Thumbnail for Royce.Charles.C.jpgAdded by: dwgarvey2Royce.Charles.C.jpg
Thumbnail for Air.Medal_small.jpgAdded by: dwgarvey2Air.Medal_small.jpg
Thumbnail for Distinguished.Flying.Cross_small.jpgAdded by: dwgarvey2Distinguished.Flying.Cross_small.jpg
Thumbnail for 392nd's B-24s at Saipan Aug 1944, repair tents in foreground.PNGAdded by: dwgarvey2392nd's B-24s at Saipan Aug 1944, repair tents in foreground.PNG
Thumbnail for Flight.Crew.Lt.Kelly2.cropped.JPGAdded by: dwgarvey2Flight.Crew.Lt.Kelly2.cropped.JPG
Thumbnail for Royce.Charles.C2.JPGAdded by: dwgarvey2Royce.Charles.C2.JPG
Thumbnail for Stockton_Evening_and_Sunday_Record_1943_09_04_3Added by: dwgarvey2Stockton_Evening_and_Sunday_Record_1943_09_04_3
Thumbnail for Stockton_Evening_and_Sunday_Record_1945_04_14_8Added by: dwgarvey2Stockton_Evening_and_Sunday_Record_1945_04_14_8
Thumbnail for Santa_Barbara_News_Press_1943_01_03_16Added by: dwgarvey2Santa_Barbara_News_Press_1943_01_03_16
Thumbnail for The_Sacramento_Union_1944_12_17_21Added by: dwgarvey2The_Sacramento_Union_1944_12_17_21