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Fold3_Team  ·  31 Oct 2023

Gazette Information: VICTORIA CROSS,: No. 34506 Private Henry Tandey D.C.M.,M.M., 5th Battalion, The Duke of Wellington's (West Riding) Regiment. On 28th September 1918 at Marcoing, France, during the counter-attack after the capture of the village and crossings, when Private Tandey's platoon was held up by machine-gun fire, he crawled forward, located the gun and with a Lewis gun team, knocked it out. Arriving at the crossings, he restored the plank bridge under a hail of bullets. Later in the evening, during an attack he, with eight comrades, was surrounded by an overwhelming number of the enemy. Although the position seemed hopeless, he led a bayonet charge, fighting so fiercely that 37 of the enemy were driven into the hands of the remainder of the company. DISTINGUISHED CONDUCT MEDAL,: GAZETTE ISSUE 31052, DISTINGUISHED CONDUCT MEDAL, He was in charge of a reserve bombing party in action, and finding the advance temporarily held up, he called on two other men of his party, and working across the open in rear of the enemy, he rushed a post, returning with twenty prisoners, having killed. MILITARY MEDAL,: