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Michigan 14th Mounted Volunteer Infantry (Union)


Battle - Stones River - Murfreesboro, Tennessee

Stones River
Stones River

After his October 1862 defeat at Perryville in Kentucky, Gen. Braxton Bragg withdrew his army into middle Tennessee and resupplied his men near Murfreesboro.READ MORE


Organized - Michigan 14th Mounted Volunteer Infantry - Michigan


Battle - Kennesaw Mountain - Cobb County, Georgia

Kennesaw Mountain
Kennesaw Mountain

Fearing envelopment northwest of Atlanta, Confederate Gen. Joseph E. Johnston withdrew his army to a new defensive position astride Kennesaw Mountain near Marietta. Johnston selected this position in order to protect the Western & Atlantic Railroad, his supply link to Atlanta. Prior to taking up this new line on June 19th, Johnston had pioneers working through the night digging trenches and erecting fortifications, turning Kennesaw into a formidable earthen fortress. Having defeated Lieut. Gen. John…READ MORE


Leadership Change - Brigade - Brigadier General James D. Morgan

Brigadier GeneralJames D. Morgan


Leadership Change - Division - Brigadier General Jefferson C. Davis

Brigadier GeneralJefferson C. Davis


Battle - Peachtree Creek - Fulton County, Georgia

Peachtree Creek
Peachtree Creek

Weary of Gen. Joseph E. Johnston's pattern of retreat through northwest Georgia in the face of Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman's advancing armies, President Jefferson Davis removed him from command of the Army of Tennessee, replacing him with Lieut. Gen. John B. Hood. On July 20th, Hood determined to take the fight to the enemy by setting upon an isolated portion of Sherman's forces in front of Atlanta. Hood's target would be the Union corps of Maj. Gens. Oliver O. Howard and Joseph Hooker from Maj. Gen. Geo…READ MORE


Leadership Change - Regiment - Colonel Henry R. Mizner


Leadership Change - Brigade - Colonel Charles M. Lum


Leadership Change - Division - Brigadier General James D. Morgan

Brigadier GeneralJames D. Morgan


Battle - Jonesborough - Clayton County, Georgia


By late August 1865, the city of Atlanta was not yet subdued by Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman's armies. A few supply lines remained open to the city supporting the army of Lieut. Gen. John B. Hood encircled there. Union cavalry raids inflicted only superficial damage, quickly repaired by the Confederates. Sherman determined that if he could destroy the Macon & Western and Atlanta & West Point Railroads to the south the Rebel army would be forced to evacuate the city. On August 25, Union infantry beg…READ MORE


Battle - Bentonville - Bentonville, North Carolina


After his march to the sea, Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman headed north in early 1865 to unite with Lt. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant's army in Virginia. Only Confederate Gen. Joseph Johnston's army stood between Sherman and Grant. After briefly blocking Sherman's advance at Averasboro, North Carolina on March 16, Johnston struck Maj. Gen. Henry Slocum's wing of Sherman's army near Bentonville on March 19. The Confederates ran into stiff resistance, as Slocum established a defensive position. Johnston's assaults con…READ MORE


Mustered Out - Michigan 14th Mounted Volunteer Infantry - Michigan

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