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Tennessee 5th Volunteer Cavalry (Union)


Battle - Shiloh - Hardin County, Tennessee

Thumbnail for Shiloh

On the morning of April 6, 1862, 40,000 Confederate soldiers under the command of Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston poured out of the nearby woods and struck the encamped divisions of Union soldiers occupying ground near Pittsburg Landing on the Tennessee River.READ MORE


Organized - Tennessee 5th Volunteer Cavalry - Tennessee


Battle - Stones River - Murfreesboro, Tennessee

Thumbnail for Stones River
Stones River

After his October 1862 defeat at Perryville in Kentucky, Gen. Braxton Bragg withdrew his army into middle Tennessee and resupplied his men near Murfreesboro.READ MORE


Leadership Change - Regiment - Lieutenant Colonel Robert Galbraith

Lieutenant ColonelRobert Galbraith


Leadership Change - Brigade - Lieutenant Colonel William B. Sipes

Lieutenant ColonelWilliam B. Sipes


Leadership Change - Division - Brigadier General David S. Stanley

Brigadier GeneralDavid S. Stanley


Battle - Wauhatchie - Hamilton County, Tennessee

Thumbnail for Wauhatchie

Wary of troops marching to the aid of the Federal army besieged at Chattanooga, General Braxton Bragg ordered General James Longstreet to take action against the force massing in Lookout Valley. In a rare nighttime attack, a division of Longstreet's corps attacked the Union rearguard near the crossroads of Wauhatchie. The brief fight was a bloody repulse for the Confederates, who were forced to withdraw. The Confederates had missed their last best chance to prevent supplies from reaching the Union Army of…READ MORE


Battle - Missionary Ridge - Chattanooga, Tennessee

Thumbnail for Missionary Ridge
Missionary Ridge

From the last days of September through October 1863, Gen. Braxton Bragg's army laid siege to the Union army under Maj. Gen. William Rosecrans at Chattanooga, cutting off its supplies. On October 17, Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant received command of the Western armies; he moved to reinforce Chattanooga and replaced Rosecrans with Maj. Gen. George Thomas. A new supply line was soon established. Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman arrived with his four divisions in mid-November, and the Federals began offensive operat…READ MORE


Mustered Out - Tennessee 5th Volunteer Cavalry - Tennessee

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