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Illinois 98th Volunteer Infantry (Union)


Organized - Illinois 98th Volunteer Infantry - Illinois


Battle - Hoover's Gap - Bedford County, Tennessee; Rutherford County, Tennessee

Hoover's Gap
Hoover's Gap

On the morning of June 24th [1863], at 3 o'clock, we left camp 5 miles north of Murfreesboro, and started to the "front," in advance of everything. As we passed through the camps in Murfreesboro, the rattle of drums, sounding of bugles, and clatter of wagons, told us plainly that the whole army was to follow in our wake, and we knew full well, from the direction we were taking, that a few hours march would bring the brigade to some of the strongholds of the enemy, so there was silence in the column as we m…READ MORE


Battle - Chickamauga - Catoosa County, Georgia; Walker County, Georgia


After the successful Tullahoma Campaign, Maj. Gen. William Rosecrans continued the Union offensive, aiming to force Gen. Braxton Bragg's Confederate army out of Chattanooga. Through a series of skillful marches towards the Confederate-held city, Rosecrans forced Bragg out of Chattanooga and into Georgia. Determined to reoccupy the city, Bragg followed the Federals north, brushing with Rosecrans' army at Davis' Cross Roads. While they marched on September 18th, his cavalry and infantry skirmished with Un…READ MORE


Battle - Jonesborough - Clayton County, Georgia


By late August 1865, the city of Atlanta was not yet subdued by Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman's armies. A few supply lines remained open to the city supporting the army of Lieut. Gen. John B. Hood encircled there. Union cavalry raids inflicted only superficial damage, quickly repaired by the Confederates. Sherman determined that if he could destroy the Macon & Western and Atlanta & West Point Railroads to the south the Rebel army would be forced to evacuate the city. On August 25, Union infantry beg…READ MORE


Battle - Selma - Selma, Alabama


The war was almost over when Union troops under the leadership of Gen. James H. Wilson and 13,500 cavalry and mounted infantry (the Raiders) invaded Alabama. Anticipating invasion, Selma prepared as best it could. But Lt. Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest's highly outnumbered 2,000 men, consisting of mostly old men and boys, could not hold Wilson's Raiders. The people of Selma were doomed even before the battle started on April 2, 1865. Selma has the largest historic district in Alabama, and it is the second-old…READ MORE


Mustered Out - Illinois 98th Volunteer Infantry - Illinois

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